Which do you prefer? Traditional Marketing or Digital Marketing
Actually, there is no need to confront traditional marketing with digital marketing. This is because digital marketing came later after traditional marketing had been running for a long time and existed.
The basics and principles of marketing remain the same including: Marketing concept, consumer needs, market segmentation, value and marketing process, and others.
The distinguishing factor is the use of technology according to the time. Before the invention of information and communication technology, the marketing system was still conventional, namely direct selling and marketing.
Along with the development of technology, marketing techniques for both goods and services use a lot of information media, both print, audio, and audio-visual, namely in the form of banners, flyers, brochures, advertisements on radio and television, and others.
After the development of information and communication technology, the marketing of products, both goods and services, has shifted to a digital marketing system that is almost evenly used.
Below is a brief description of the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Advantages/Disadvantages Of Traditional Marketing Systems
The advantages of traditional and conventional marketing systems include:
- Offering products and services directly, making it easier and faster to make decisions in transactions.
- The principles of buying and selling can be fulfilled including: Willingness, benefit, completeness of the main elements in the transaction (seller, buyer, goods/services) in one place and time.
- Can reach certain market segments that do not use online media and social media.
The disadvantages of this marketing system include:
- Marketing of products and services is usually limited in terms of place and time.
- The costs are relatively expensive, for example the large operational costs of transportation, accommodation, advertising costs (television, radio, print media, and others).
- Usually requires outside assistance such as ad creation services, graphic designers/script writers, and others.
Advantages/Disadvantages Of Digital Marketing Systems
The advantages of this marketing system include:
- Marketing of products and services is not limited and bound by space and time. So that it can reach all places in the world that are already connected to the internet.
- The digital marketing system is more effective and efficient. Can cut operational costs that ease both parties transacting.
- Does not require much help from other parties such as advertising creation services, graphic designers/script writers, and others.
- Can take advantage of social media to get the desired target market segmentation.
- It’s easier to determine what methods lead to sales and which don’t.
- Decisions to be taken can use real data or qualitative results.
The disadvantages of this marketing system are:
- Prospective consumers/customers cannot directly see the goods/services offered. So when the transaction is made, there is no guarantee that the goods/services are in accordance with the wishes and tastes of consumers.
- The process of claiming goods/services that are not in accordance with the order takes a relatively long time compared to traditional marketing systems.
- Not everyone has expertise in transacting digitally, making it difficult in the transaction process.
- Competition in the digital marketing world is very tight.
- Online marketing will experience serious obstacles when it is not carried out consistently with brand identity on forums, blogs, social media, and others.
These are the glimpse of the comparison of traditional marketing systems with digital marketing.
Hopefully we are wiser in making a decision, especially with regard to the above discussion.